GRS Certifications has been assessed by ASCB(E) and has accredited status ISO 17021:2015 covering the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 18001:2018, ISO 22000:2005, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point).
ASCB (E) is independent, impartial and a paradigm pioneer in the field of accreditation. Operating in over 25 countries worldwide, ASCB (E) is thought to be the largest independent accreditation body in the world. Established in 1995, the organization has been a persistent pioneer in the field of accreditation, well known and respected for its combination of innovative and user-friendly business acumen and its respect for the vigorous maintenance of integrity and impartiality that is the hallmark of the quality assurance profession. All organizations certificated by ASCB (E) accredited organizations may be independently verified and their current certification status checked.
IRQAO International Register of Quality Assessed Organizations
All organizations certificated by ASCB(E) accredited organizations may be independently verified and their current certification status checked. In addition all students who have successfully completed ASCB(E) accredited training courses are listed and may be independently verified. For further details see the IRQAO website
GA Global Accreditations
Global Accreditation’s role is to provide authoritative direction and advice in the field of Quality Assurance. It will achieve this aim via the collation of worldwide technical excellence and the collation of the latest and best techniques and experience available in order that firm guidelines and direction may be provided for industry and commerce.